In this blog post, I'll tell you how to remap your Caps Lock key to Control and Escape, on a Windows PC
The setupPlatforms like Wordpress, Drupal, and Ruby on Rails have ruled the web for a long time. To many developers that have mastered these platforms, they’re looking for something more—they’re
Upgrading my themeCommand to transfer the file to scp ./ my_host_:/home/my_user_/ I got this error after doing apt-get update followed by apt-get upgrade: didn’t cause
Suppose you are building a UI widget that accepts a list of image URLS. When asked, the widget is supposed to download every image, scale it, and set it as an icon for a button....
Yesterday, I was an employee at a well-respected software consultancy. Today, I’m alone in my home office, surrounded by silence--but I'm OK with that.